abs | Absolute value of an integer |
acos | Arc cosine |
angclass | Classify an angle value |
arylength | Get array length |
asin | Arc sine |
askcoord | Interactive X/Y coordinate value query |
askdbl | Interactive double value query |
askdist | Interactive distance value query |
askint | Interactive integer value query |
askstr | Interactive string value query |
atan | Arc tangent |
atan2 | Arc tangent of the angle defined by a point |
atof | Convert string to floating point value |
atoi | Convert string to integer value |
bae_askddbename | Interactive DDB element name query |
bae_askddbfname | Interactive DDB file name query |
bae_askdirname | Interactive directory name query |
bae_askfilename | Interactive file name query |
bae_askmenu | Interactive BAE menu query |
bae_askname | Activate BAE name selection dialog |
bae_asksymname | Interactive BAE library element query |
bae_callmenu | BAE menu function call |
bae_charsize | Get BAE text/character dimensions |
bae_cleardistpoly | Clear internal BAE distance query polygon |
bae_clearpoints | Clear internal BAE polygon buffer |
bae_clriactqueue | Clear the BAE interaction queue |
bae_crossarcarc | Determine cross point(s) of two arcs |
bae_crosslineline | Determine cross point of wide line segments |
bae_crosslinepoly | Determine cross point of wide line with polygon |
bae_crosssegarc | Determine cross point(s) of segment with arc |
bae_crosssegseg | Determine cross point of segments/lines |
bae_dashpolyline | Vectorize dashed BAE polygon |
bae_deffuncprog | Define BAE function key |
bae_defkeyprog | Define BAE standard key |
bae_defmenu | BAE standard menu definition start |
bae_defmenuprog | Define BAE menu entry |
bae_defmenusel | Set BAE menu default selection |
bae_defmenutext | Define BAE menu item text |
bae_defselmenu | BAE submenu definition start |
bae_dialaddcontrol | BAE dialog element definition |
bae_dialadvcontrol | Add advanced BAE dialog element |
bae_dialaskcall | Activate BAE dialog with listbox element callback function |
bae_dialaskparams | Activate BAE dialog |
bae_dialbmpalloc | Create BAE dialog bitmap |
bae_dialboxbufload | Restore BAE dialog box data from buffer |
bae_dialboxbufstore | Store BAE dialog box data to buffer |
bae_dialboxperm | Activate modeless BAE dialog |
bae_dialclr | Clear BAE dialog elements |
bae_dialgetdata | Get BAE dialog element parameter |
bae_dialgettextlen | Get BAE dialog text length |
bae_dialsetcurrent | Set current BAE dialog box |
bae_dialsetdata | Set BAE dialog element parameter |
bae_endmainmenu | BAE main menu definition end |
bae_endmenu | BAE menu definition end |
bae_fontcharcnt | Get BAE font character count |
bae_fontname | Get BAE text font name |
bae_getactmenu | Get active BAE menu entry number |
bae_getanglelock | Get BAE angle lock flag |
bae_getbackgrid | Get BAE display grid |
bae_getcasstime | Get date/time of last project connection data update caused by Packager/Backannotation |
bae_getclassbitfield | Get BAE DDB class processing key |
bae_getcmdbuf | BAE command history query |
bae_getcolor | Get BAE color value |
bae_getcoorddisp | Get BAE coordinate display mode |
bae_getdblpar | Get BAE double parameter |
bae_getfuncprog | Get BAE function key definition |
bae_getgridlock | Get BAE grid lock flag |
bae_getgridmode | Get BAE grid dependency mode |
bae_getinpgrid | Get BAE input grid |
bae_getintpar | Get BAE integer parameter |
bae_getinvcolor | Get BAE color inversion mode |
bae_getkeyprog | Get BAE standard key definition |
bae_getmenubitfield | Get BAE menu function processing key |
bae_getmenuitem | BAE menu item query |
bae_getmenuprog | Get BAE menu entry definition |
bae_getmenutext | Get BAE menu text |
bae_getmoduleid | Get BAE module id |
bae_getmsg | Get BAE HighEnd message |
bae_getpackdata | Get last project Packager run data |
bae_getpacktime | Get last project Packager run date/time |
bae_getpolyrange | Get internal BAE polygon range |
bae_getstrpar | Get BAE string parameter |
bae_inittextscreen | Clear/initialize the BAE text screen |
bae_inpoint | Input BAE point/coordinates with mouse |
bae_inpointmenu | Input BAE point/coordinates with mouse and right mouse button callback function |
bae_language | Get BAE user interface language code |
bae_loadcoltab | Load BAE color table |
bae_loadelem | Load BAE element |
bae_loadfont | Load BAE text font |
bae_menuitemhelp | Display BAE menu item help |
bae_msgbox | Activate BAE message popup |
bae_msgboxverify | Activate BAE message popup with Yes/No verification |
bae_msgboxverifyquit | Activate BAE message popup with Yes/No/Quit verification |
bae_msgprogressrep | Activate/update BAE progress display |
bae_msgprogressterm | Terminate BAE progress display |
bae_mtpsize | Get BAE popup display area dimensions |
bae_nameadd | Add BAE name selection list element |
bae_nameclr | Clear BAE name selection list |
bae_nameget | Get BAE name selection list element |
bae_numstring | Create numeric string |
bae_peekiact | BAE interaction queue query |
bae_plainmenutext | BAE menu item text conversion |
bae_planddbclass | Get BAE element DDB class code |
bae_planename | Get BAE element name |
bae_planfname | Get BAE element file name |
bae_plannotsaved | Get BAE element not saved flag |
bae_plansename | Get BAE destination element name |
bae_plansfname | Get BAE destination element file name |
bae_planwslx | Get BAE element left workspace boundary |
bae_planwsly | Get BAE element lower workspace boundary |
bae_planwsnx | Get BAE element origin X coordinate |
bae_planwsny | Get BAE element origin Y coordinate |
bae_planwsux | Get BAE element right workspace boundary |
bae_planwsuy | Get BAE element upper workspace boundary |
bae_popareachoice | Define choice field area in active BAE popup menu |
bae_popcliparea | Define clipping area in active BAE popup menu |
bae_popclrtool | Clear BAE toolbar popup area |
bae_popcolbar | Define BAE popup menu color bar display |
bae_popcolchoice | Define BAE popup menu color bar selector |
bae_popdrawpoly | Display/draw polygon/graphic in active BAE popup menu |
bae_popdrawtext | Display/draw text in active BAE popup menu |
bae_popmouse | Get BAE popup/toolbar mouse position |
bae_poprestore | Restore BAE popup menu area |
bae_popsetarea | Activate/select BAE popup menu/area |
bae_popshow | Activate BAE popup menu |
bae_poptext | Define BAE popup menu text display |
bae_poptextchoice | Define BAE popup menu text selector |
bae_postprocess | Run BAE postprocess |
bae_progdir | Get BAE program directory path name |
bae_prtdialog | Print string to BAE dialogue line |
bae_querydist | Query BAE point to polygon distance |
bae_readedittext | BAE text input/display |
bae_readtext | BAE text input with popup menu |
bae_redefmainmenu | BAE main menu redefinition start |
bae_redefmenu | Redefine BAE menu item |
bae_resetmenuprog | Reset BAE menu definitions |
bae_sendmsg | Send BAE HighEnd message |
bae_setanglelock | Set BAE angle lock fag |
bae_setbackgrid | Set BAE display grid |
bae_setclipboard | Store text string to BAE clipboard |
bae_setcolor | Set BAE color value |
bae_setcoorddisp | Set BAE coordinate display mode |
bae_setdblpar | Set BAE double parameter |
bae_setgridlock | Set BAE grid lock flag |
bae_setgridmode | Set BAE grid dependency mode |
bae_setinpgrid | Set BAE input grid |
bae_setintpar | Set BAE integer parameter |
bae_setmoduleid | Set BAE module id |
bae_setmousetext | Set BAE mouse click input text |
bae_setplanfname | Set BAE project file name |
bae_setpopdash | Set BAE popup/toolbar polygon dash line parameters |
bae_setstrpar | Set BAE string parameter |
bae_settbsize | Define/display BAE toolbar area |
bae_storecmdbuf | Store BAE command to command history |
bae_storedistpoly | Store internal BAE distance query polygon |
bae_storeelem | Store BAE element |
bae_storekeyiact | Store BAE key-press interaction to queue |
bae_storemenuiact | Store BAE menu interaction to queue |
bae_storemouseiact | Store BAE mouse interaction to queue |
bae_storepoint | Store point to internal BAE polygon |
bae_storetextiact | Store BAE text input interaction to queue |
bae_swconfig | Get BAE software configuration |
bae_swversion | Get BAE software version |
bae_tbsize | Get BAE toolbar dimensions |
bae_twsize | Get BAE text screen workspace size |
bae_wsmouse | Get BAE workspace mouse position |
bae_wswinlx | Get BAE workspace window left boundary |
bae_wswinly | Get BAE workspace window lower boundary |
bae_wswinux | Get BAE workspace window right boundary |
bae_wswinuy | Get BAE workspace window upper boundary |
catext | Concatenate file name extension |
catextadv | Optionally concatenate file name extension |
ceil | Ceiling function |
clock | Get elapsed processor time |
con_clear | Delete internal logical net list |
con_compileloglib | Compile logical library definition |
con_deflogpart | Define a logical library part entry |
con_getddbpattrib | Get part/pin attribute from DDB file |
con_getlogpart | Get a logical library part definition |
con_setddbpattrib | Store part/pin attribute to DDB file |
con_storepart | Store part to internal logical net list |
con_storepin | Store pin to internal logical net list |
con_write | Write internal logical net list to file |
convstring | Convert string |
cos | Cosine |
cosh | Hyperbolic cosine |
cvtangle | Convert an angle value |
cvtlength | Convert a length value |
ddbcheck | Check DDB file/element availability |
ddbclassid | Get DDB class identifier |
ddbclassscan | Scan DDB class elements |
ddbcopyelem | Copy DDB file element |
ddbdelelem | Delete DDB file element |
ddbelemrefcount | Get DDB file element reference count |
ddbelemrefentry | Get DDB file element reference entry |
ddbgetelemcomment | Get DDB file element comment |
ddbgetlaypartpin | Get DDB file layout part pin data |
ddbrenameelem | Rename DDB file element |
ddbupdtime | Get DDB file element update time |
ddbsetelemcomment | Set DDB file element comment |
dirscan | Scan directory |
existddbelem | Check DDB file element |
exit | Terminate a program immediately |
exp | Exponential function |
fabs | Absolute value of a double |
fclose | Close a file |
fcloseall | Close all files opened by the program |
feof | Test for end-of-file |
fgetc | Read next character from file |
fgets | Read next line of text from file |
filemode | Get file mode |
filesize | Get file size |
filetype | Get file type |
floor | Floor function |
fmod | Floating point remainder |
fopen | Open a file |
fprintf | Print to a file using format |
fputc | Write a character to a file |
fputs | Write a string to a file |
frexp | Break double into fraction and exponent |
fseterrmode | Set the file functions error handling mode |
get_date | Get the current system date |
get_time | Get the current system time |
getchr | Get a character from standard input |
getcwd | Get current working directory path name |
getenv | Get environment variable value |
getextprog | Get file type specific application |
getstr | Get a line of text from standard input |
isalnum | Test for alphanumeric character |
isalpha | Test for alphabetic character |
iscntrl | Test for control character |
isdigit | Test for numeric character |
isgraph | Test for visible character |
islower | Test for lowercase alphabetic character |
isprint | Test for printing character |
ispunct | Test for punctuation character |
isspace | Test for whitespace character |
isupper | Test for uppercase alphabetic character |
isxdigit | Test for hexadecimal numeric character |
kbhit | Test if key hit |
kbstate | Shift/control/alt key state query |
launch | Pass command to operating system without waiting for completion |
ldexp | Multiply by a power of 2 |
localtime | Get local processor date and time |
log | Natural logarithm; base e |
log10 | Common logarithm; base ten |
mkdir | Create directory |
modf | Break double into integer and fractional |
namestrcmp | Name string compare |
numstrcmp | Numeric string compare |
perror | Print error message |
pow | Raise a double to a power |
printf | Print to standard output using format |
programid | Get current program name |
putchr | Write a character to standard output |
putenv | Set environment variable |
puts | Write a string to standard output (append NL) |
putstr | Write a string to standard output |
quicksort | Sort index list |
remove | Delete a file or directory |
rename | Change the name of a file |
rewind | Seek to the beginning of a file |
rulecompile | Compile a rule definition |
rulesource | Get rule definition source code |
scanddbenames | Scan DDB file element names |
scandirfnames | Scan directory file names |
setprio | Set BAE process priority |
sin | Sine |
sinh | Hyperbolic sine |
sprintf | Print to string using format |
sqlcmd | SQL command execution |
sqlerr | SQL error status query |
sqlinit | SQL database initialization |
sqrt | Square root |
strcmp | String compare |
strcspn | String prefix length not matching characters |
strdelchr | Delete characters from string |
strextract | Extract sub-string from another string |
strextractfilepath | Extract directory name from a file path name string |
strgetconffilename | Get environment variable expanded configuration file name |
strgetvarfilename | Get environment variable expanded file name string |
strgetpurefilename | Extract file name from file path name string |
strlen | String length |
strlistitemadd | Add string to string list |
strlistitemchk | Search string in string list |
strlower | Convert string to lowercase |
strmatch | Test for string pattern match |
strnset | Fill part or all of string with any character |
strreverse | Reverse string |
strscannext | Forward find characters in string |
strscanprior | Backward find characters in string |
strset | Fill string with any character |
strspn | String prefix length matching characters |
strupper | Convert string to uppercase |
syngetintpar | Get BNF/scanner integer parameter |
synparsefile | BNF/parser input file scan |
synparseincfile | BNF/parser include file scan |
synparsestring | BNF/Parser string scan |
synscaneoln | BNF/scanner end-of-line recognition |
synscanigncase | BNF/scanner keyword case-sensitivity mode setting |
synscanline | BNF/scanner input line number |
synscanstring | BNF/scanner input string |
synsetintpar | Set BNF/scanner integer parameter |
system | Pass command to operating system and wait for completion |
tan | Tangent |
tanh | Hyperbolic tangent |
tolower | Convert uppercase to lowercase character |
toupper | Convert lowercase to uppercase character |
uliptype | Get User Language interpreter environment |
ulipversion | Get User Language interpreter version |
ulproginfo | Get User Language program info |
ulsystem | Run another User Language program |
ulsystem_exit | Run a User Language program after exiting current User Language program |
vardelete | Delete global User Language variable |
varget | Get global User Language variable value |
varset | Set global User Language variable value |