Please see the Download Instructions for information on how to download and install the User Language sources provided in this section.
New BAE User Language Programs to be released with the next BAE Version
SCM - Schematic Editor | Source Code Last Change |
ssvgout |
Schematic SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Output
The ssvgout.ulc User Language produces an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) export file from the currently loaded schematic element.
(29/10/2013) Released for BAE Version 8.0.
Note: Requires new xml.ulh include (27/09/2013 or later).
(19/08/2013) Original coding.
ssvgout.ulc 11/12/2013 |
LAY - PCB Layout (GED, AR, CAM) | Source Code Last Change |
lsvgout |
Layout SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Output
The lsvgout.ulc User Language produces an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) export file from the currently loaded layout element.
(29/10/2013) Released for BAE Version 8.0.
Note: Requires new xml.ulh include (27/09/2013 or later).
(19/08/2013) Original coding.
lsvgout.ulc 11/12/2013 |
New BAE User Language Programs © 1985-2024 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 06 November 2013, 23:46 [UTC]